human sweat


A free-to-use system of labels that indicate the extent to which generative AI was used to create a product. Labels range from lazy prompter (almost everything done by generative AI) to man-made (made without any help from generative AI). MMM-LABELS are created by Fontys University in the Netherlands.



If you create a product (a text, some code, a picture, a video, a song), it is only polite to indicate what you have done yourself and what has been done by machines. This way, the recipient of your product knows how to assess the product and opportunities arise for a much better conversation about the quality of your work.


This product was generated by Al. There was some (lazy) prompting and maybe some modification, but it was all very, very limited.
This product was mostly created by Al. There was some basic prompting, reprompting and curating of results. Al did all the heavy lifting.
This product was made in collaboration with my machines. There was a lot of elaborate prompting, custom GPT's, automatic media creation, reviewing, rewriting and/or reprompting.
This product was assisted by my machines. Generative Al was used lightly (p.e. inspiration or correction). Or generative Al was used heavily, but you had to work even harder (code, customize, and so on).
This product was created without any generative Al.


You can download the labels here in different formats.

We would appreciate it if you let us know who you are. The name of your organization and country is sufficient.


Download the labels and stick them on your texts, your code, your videos, your images or your music. The labels are completely free to use in any context.

For example, a teacher who agrees with his students that only labeled products are assessed. Or a customer who asks for labeled reports from his consultancy agency. Or an advertising agency that adds the labels to its posts.


Me & My Machine (MMM) labels is an initiative by fontys university of applied science, welgeen and We use the labels extensively & succesfully in our ict-education but believe they should be used everywhere. It is only polite and opens opportunities for better conversations.

Do you want to contribute, ask questions or do you have suggestions contact us on:

In the process of creating the labels and website, we refer to ourselves as 'handy men.' You can explore the process behind our 'Me and My Machine' story by downloading a zip file where we describe the development process, which took us approximately 40 hours to complete. We hope this example provides insight into how machine and manual work can be creatively combined.